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- Genre: Drama / New Movie
- Year: 2016
- Country: Italy
- Director: Luisa Porrino
- Stars: Batul Hanife, Takoua Ben Mohamed, Sumaya Abdel Qader
- Time: ~ 1h 26min

The Islamic world it's quite diverse. Throught this film we wanted to get to know the female side of it. The picture you'll get is: Muslim women as you have never seen them, to debunk prejudices and oversimplifications. This film portraits the new identities existing in my country, through the eyes and words of the new generations born here after the immigration that took place during the 70ies and the 90ies. The film pose us a question: what does in means to be Italian/European today? The title Under Pressure underlines the feeling of a whole generation, the subtitle I wear the veil I love Queen, it pays homage to Sumaya Abdel Qader, writer born in Perugia. Sumaya is one of the protagonists, the first met by the director Luisa Porrino, after she read her book - Luisa wanted to know more and she investigated to get realistic portraits of the conditions of a generation of women, that despite the fact that they are born and raised in Italy, they still live the strange and contaminated ..
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