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- Genre: Drama / Sci-fi / New Movie
- Year: 2016
- Country: Canada, Japan
- Director: Iain Laird
- Stars: Gerrick Winston, Alana Hawley, Chengis Javeri
- Time: ~ 1h 45min

Set in the American Prairies of Montana, The Great Fear introduces us to a quiet farmer named Victor. He is forced to forfeit his cattle following a questionable inspection of his farm by a large agricultural corporation known as Vassal. Left with only his tractors at his disposal, he decides to rent out one of his homes to a tenant. This tenant turns out to be a young woman named Meryl, whom appears to be running away from something as her "Walden complex" is all too obvious. As this aloof pair begins to open up to one another, something quietly discomforting casts a shadow on the community. All the locals begin showing flu like symptoms and Vassal begins to show a gradually increasing presence
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