Top New Movie
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- Genre: Drama / New Movie
- Year: 2016
- Country: USA
- Director: Maria Allred
- Stars: Benjamin Farmer, Patrick D. Green, Damien Genardi
- Time: ~ 1h 25min

Visually driven and intimately shot, The Texture of Falling is a surrealistic, sometimes satirical, riddlesque investigation of love, art, passion, and the other complex engines of life. Set in Portland, Oregon, Louisa (Julie Webb), an aspiring filmmaker and lifelong love skeptic, finds her world is shaken by an altered state she enters into, a state she assumes is normally deemed 'falling in love.' This catalyzing romance between her and renowned pianist, Luke (Patrick Green), like all great love tragedies, begins to unravel as it begins. When Louisa channels her pain into making her first feature film it all spirals out of control. A nearby affair between Michael (Benjamin Farmer), a married architect, and Sylvia (Maria Allred), a painter exploring her limits, is mysteriously connected.
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