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- Genre: Drama / New Movie
- Year: 2016
- Country: USA
- Director: Eric Marsh, Andrew Stasiulis
- Stars: Keith D. Gallagher, Scott Morton, Michael Olavson
- Time: ~ 1h 46min

A soldier without a name (Keith D. Gallagher), marching without orders, surrounded by an enemy without a face, finds himself trapped in the no man's land of America. Having gone AWOL from his unit, the soldier wanders desperately through unfamiliar streets from battles he can't remember. Along his odyssey without a destination, he discovers sons without fathers, preachers without sermons, and officers without a clue. A descent into the crisis of a war on terror fought to a stalemate in the heart and mind. Orders is not a war film. It is a film at war with itself
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Orders (2016) Trailer
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