Top New Movie
Top Animation

- Genre: Comedy / Drama / New Movie
- Year: 2016
- Country: Serbia, Montenegro
- Director: Ivan Marinovic
- Stars: Nikola Ristanovski, Bogdan Diklic, Jelisaveta 'Seka' Sablic
- Time: ~ 1h 40min

Father Peter is afraid that universe is indifferent. God no longer intervenes. His wife abandoned him. His son rebels against him. And his mother seldom recognizes him thanks to Alzheimer's. When Peter becomes an obstacle to a large property sale in his parish, the group of colorful, but also vengeful villagers decides to chase him away. Their creative ways made entire superstitious village believe that Peter is the cause of all troubles on the peninsula. Their clash escalates on a funeral of a supposed witch that they turn into surreal mayhem. Not only is Peter discredited as a priest in the end, but his faith in people completely vanishes in the process.
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The Black Pin (2016) Trailer
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