Top New Movie
Top Animation
- Genre: Drama / New Movie
- Year: 2018
- Country: USA
- Director: Chandrise Ross, Jeremy Springer
- Stars: Leana Lewis, Tara Brown, Ben Stobber
- Time: ~ 1h 30min
Octoroon tell the story of a blind European Black African lady in the late 1800's. Sarah a strong willed lady of love and pride, and her faithful valet Dimas a caucasian from London, England. Sarah struggles not only stays alive, but to retain her dignity on the Old Maggie passenger ship, Blithely uncaring natural enviroment that envelops Sarah and Dimas. Unearthed emotional undercurrents and churning intensity are unleash in her journey of struggling to maintain the appearance of the EUROPEAN society they've left VICTORIAN times to be with husband John Halligan a preacher in Port Chalmers, New Zealand
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