Top New Movie
Top Animation
- Genre: Thriller / New Movie
- Year: 2018
- Country: USA
- Director: Joseph Polk
- Stars: John Maciag, Nadirah Shakir, Topazio Davila
- Time: ~ 1h 30min
After proposing to the love of his life and being rejected and humiliated during the process; David who struggles with a host of mental issues decides the only logical way to deal with the rejection is Torture and Murder. In his mind the only way to ensure that he never has to deal with emotional heartache and pain is to make all women pay especially since what triggers his extreme emotional outbursts is feminine rejection of any kind. This story Takes the audience on a journey with a front row seat to see first hand just how perilous the path can be when venturing into the depths of the psych. Be careful not to get lost when entering the Catacombs Of The Mind
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Catacombs Of The Mind (2018) Trailer
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