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- Genre: Horror / New Movie
- Year: 2018
- Country: USA
- Director: Donald F. Glut
- Stars: John Blyth Barrymore, Buddy Daniels Friedman, Jim Tavaré
- Time: ~ 1h 30min

Based upon four of writer-director Donald F. Glut's short stories published in his book TALES OF FRANKENSTEIN: "My Creation, My Beloved" (a deformed descendant of Victor Frankenstein creates the perfect man and woman), "Crawler from the Grave" (another Frankenstein descendant's disembodied, plague-infected arm returns from the grave for revenge), "Madhouse of Death" (a private detective winds up in an old dark house filled with loonies...and a gorilla) and "Dr. Karnstein's Creation" (a mad doctor creates a monster in vampire-haunted Transylvania - with gruesomely unexpected results). Written by Donald F
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