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- Genre: Drama / Family / History / New Movie
- Year: 2017
- Country: USA
- Director: Gerald Hartke
- Stars: Matthew Mesler, Robert Vincent Jones, Jamie Welsh
- Time: ~ 1h 30min

In New York City, December 1822, Dr. Clement Moore - a professor of world literature - is inspired to pen a whimsical Christmas poem for his young children. Influenced by the lore of Old World culture, Moore crafts his poem into a magical tale about a kind and generous gift-bearer that secretly visits homes on Christmas Eve. It is while musing about this mythical character that Moore first learns of the ancient legend of a gift-giver from the Greco-Roman Era - one that he comes to believe may be the origin of all the similar myths throughout the world. What he finds is a story that ironically would one day be lost to the lore he was about to create. Moore soon discovers the surprising tale of Nicholas, a boy who was born to Greek parents in the city of Patara during the latter part of the Third Century A.D., on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Orphaned as a teenager, Nicholas inherits his father's vast and secret fortune, a catalyst to a journey of self-discovery that one day leads...
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