Top New Movie
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- Genre: Crime / Thriller / New Movie
- Year: 2016
- Country: UK
- Director: Billy Belford
- Stars: Sara Arathoon, Pamela Ashton, Billy Belford
- Time: ~ 1h 30min

The story of two uncover police officers Thornley and Palmer who go undercover in a Womens Prison. One is a Prison Officer and the other as a in-mate in a HMP Bowman. They are to gain information from Dorothy Webster aka Dolly on the under-age ex trafficking off young girls. The officers begin to play each other off for promotion with the assistance off DCI Hill (their commanding officer) David Webster ( Dolly's Husband) has his connections and deals involving local councils and private investors. Thornley and Palmer come across the dreaded Officer Harvey, who plans to blow their cover and expose them. Everyone is connected through connections and so they begin to "screw over" for their personal gain.
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Screwed Over (2016) Trailer
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